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Neck Pain Treatment In Jacksonville, Florida

It’s estimated that 1 in 3 people experience neck pain each year, and it can last anywhere from just a few hours to several years. Whether you’ve recently begun experiencing neck pain or have been suffering for years, there are treatment options available with Select Health and Wellness. 

Dealing with a Pain in the Neck that Won’t Ease Up?

Wishing you could get full mobility in your neck again or stop having to depend on Tylenol to help you get through each day? We just might have the solution. The neck is a delicate part of the body, so it takes a specialist to properly treat it. And it just so happens to be that we at Select Health and Wellness are experts at treating issues related to the spine - especially neck pain. 

What Causes Neck Pain? 

As one of the most common ailments, neck pain can be caused by a variety of things. The reason for it could be as simple as too much stress and incorrect posture, or it could be due to injury, such as from whiplash from a car wreck. 

Here are some of the most common culprits of neck pain:

  • Poor posture
  • Stress and tension
  • Muscle strains
  • Ligament strains
  • Injuries such as an auto accident
  • Arthritis
  • Scoliosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Nerve compression
  • Ruptured discs

How Our Neck Pain Treatment Is Different Than Others 

We pride ourselves on offering treatment options for neck pain that are natural, non-invasive, and without negative side effects. With us, you don’t have to worry about the risks of surgery or how certain medications might affect you because we believe in taking a natural approach first. With our methods being highly effective and far less risky than other medical interventions, you have nothing to lose. 

How Select Health Can Treat Your Neck Pain 

Because there can be so many different causes of neck pain, the solution cannot be the same for them all. That’s why we work with you to determine the very thing causing the problem in the first place, so we can provide a treatment solution that’s specially tailored to your needs. When you visit us, we’ll conduct a thorough intake. Then, based on that information, we’ll recommend and provide treatments based on our professional opinion. 

Here are some of our neck pain treatments:

  • Chiropractic care
  • Active rehabilitation
  • Softwave Tissue Regeneration Therapy
  • Laser light therapy

Visit Our Neck Pain Treatment Offices In Jacksonville & Fleming Island 

At Select Health and Wellness, you’re in good hands. Find out how you can get some relief from neck pain by scheduling an appointment today.

We’re Your Neck Pain Experts 

It’s hard to find a doctor who knows spine and neck solutions like we do. When you schedule an appointment with Select Health and Wellness, you’ll get a custom treatment plan for your unique situation. It’s simply what we do best, and we can’t wait to help you get relief from your neck pain. Get the most out of life with Select Health and Wellness.

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